LGBT movement now claims to represent ‘family values’, labeling Christians ‘dangerous’

Once upon a time, when the Sexual Revolution was in its infancy, social conservatives were mocked for their “family values” and the inherent stodginess that increasingly political phrase seemed to imply. The boring squares with their white picket fences and marriages and (often) string of children represented everything the sexual revolutionaries wanted to escape, and everything they wanted to liberate society from. Sexual liberation offered people an opportunity to engage in “free love” without being tied down, and as the Sixties turned into the Seventies, America emerged as an utterly transformed nation. Things have changed since then. We’ve moved far past the implosion of a traditional marriage, the rise of hookup culture, and the Playboy milieu ushered in by the late Hugh Hefner. Not only was gay “marriage” imposed on all fifty states by the US Supreme Court in 2015, but the transgender movement subsequently took the country by storm, with the elitist trifecta of progressive pol...