Mexican bishop says he’ll evangelize in prison if he’s locked up for ‘homophobia’

The Catholic bishop of Cuernavaca, Mexico , is being investigated in response to his opposition to the gay agenda , according to national and local media sources, but he says if he goes to prison he’ll take advantage of the opportunity to bring the Gospel of Christ to the inmates there. Bishop Ramón Castro has been informed that he’s being investigated in response to a complaint by the socialist governor of the state of Morelos , Graco Ramírez , for speaking out against the creation of homosexual “marriage,” which was recently passed by the state legislature and signed into law by Ramírez. He is accused of “homophobia,” according to Mexican news outlets. The bishop is reportedly accused of “meddling in politics” for denouncing the gay agenda on numerous occasions, as well as for organizing a meeting at the Cathedral of Cuernavaca for the purpose of hearing the complaints of various civil organizations about the crisis of violence and criminality affecting the state. His acc...