It’s Plain to Common People That ‘Pride’ Has Become Unnatural and Unhealthy

JUNE IS NOW A DARK MONTH IN AMERICA It used to be limited to one day in June, the day of Gay Pride marches in commemoration of the Stonewall Riots in 1969. Then, it became a monthlong proclamation and celebration. All of June is Pride Month. Today, the celebration of “Pride” is virtually year-long, simply amped up in June. And millions of Americans are saying enough is enough. Some of these Americans had previously changed their views on same-sex “marriage,” embracing the argument that “love is love.” Some of them had learned to affirm their gay and lesbian family members and friends whereas they once thought there was something wrong with them. Some of them even modified their theology, not wanting to bash people over the head with the Bible, thinking this was the “progressive” thing to do. Yet some of those very people are now saying, “Enough is enough.” A mericans Didn’t Sign Up for This As I’ve stated elsewhere, these Americans didn’t sign up for the increasingly radical cultural m...