Greens Transgender Politician takes preiest to court?

The national newspapers reporting of the freedom-sapping effects of same-sex marriage legislation is a potential game-changer in the long-running debate. After years of the gay lobby saying there were no consequences to changing the definition of marriage , suddenly mainstream media is waking up to the fact that this is not true. Concerns that ACL and others have raised for years about the impacts on freedom of speech and religion are now being taken seriously by serious journalists. The action against Hobart Archbishop Julian Porteous and the entire Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference in the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commission has woken journalists at News Corp with a jolt. The action is by Greens political candidate and transgender activist, Martine Delaney, who has claimed offence under the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act over a Catholic booklet entitled “Don’t Mess with Marriage”. The booklet contains all of the key arguments our side of the debate wou...