USA: 23 states have sued Obama admin over transgender bathroom mandate

On Friday, an additional 10 states filed a legal brief against the Obama administration's controversial transgender guidance requiring public schools to allow members of one sex to use the showers, overnight accommodations, and restrooms of the opposite biological sex or lose federal funding. “The recent action by these two federal agencies to require showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms be open to both sexes based solely on the student’s choice, circumvents this established law,” and ignores “the appropriate legislative process to change the law," said Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson. It also quashes “local school districts’ authority to address student issues on an individualized, professional and private basis.” The Obama administration has said that its motion is justified by the 1972 Title IX law, which forbids discrimination against members of the opposite biological sex. The Nixon-era law says nothing about gender identity. Although the May 13 guidan...