I’ve seen the future that transgender activists are fighting for… and it’s terrifying

These days, it seems, the trans activists are everywhere. There was the “pregnant dad” guy who announced that he and his gay partner were going to have a child, chatting with several media outlets about the difficulty and discrimination he faces as a “pregnant man,” which the rest of us will have to be forgiven for pointing out is not a thing. There was Ontario ’s Bill 89, which some critics warn could result in government officials removing children from Christian homes if they do not show adequate enthusiasm for the current gender ideology of the idiot elites (The best analysis of this bill I’ve seen so far is Andrea Mrozek’s essay in Convivium .) And then Bill C-16 passed on the federal level, against the warnings of academics like Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, who pointed out that the legislation was a dangerous attack on free speech. While critics dismissed those who pointed out that people could actually be prosecuted for hate crimes if they refused to use r...