LGBTQ intolerance towards traditional marriage

The High Court of Australia ’s decision on Thursday afternoon to throw out legal challenges to the postal survey on same-sex marriage drew palpable sighs of relief from the Turnbull government. Immediately after the decision, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann , who is also acting minister of state responsible for the poll, asked both sides to act with courtesy and respect. Well said. While rules for the poll will be drawn up this weekend, both Yes and No camps could start by being less shouty, less winner-takes-all, less take-no-prisoners. Gay marriage crusaders in particular, might want to rethink their conduct over the next two months as 16 million Australians are asked to fill out and return their ballots by November 7. A good way to check their tactics so far is to imagine if the tables were turned. Warning: the following scenarios jar the mind, and for good reason. Imagine that in March this year Coopers Brewery cancelled the release of a “Keeping it Light” video featuring a...