Seattle’s homosexual mayor resigns as fifth alleged boy sex-abuse victim comes forward

Seattle’s homosexual mayor Ed Murray is stepping down after a fifth man, Joseph Dyer , accused his older cousin Murray of having sexually molested him when Dyer was a boy. Murray’s resignation takes effect today (Wednesday) at 5 p.m., The Seattle Times reported. Murray had already been accused by four men of molesting them when they were boys. That list includes his former foster son, Jeff Simpson . In May, Murray, a former state legislator, dropped his bid for re-election as the homosexual sex-predator scandal deepened. Then, in July, a 1984 document from Oregon Child Protective Services (CPS) mysteriously resurfaced that backed up Simpson’s current claims against Murray. The document shows that Simpson was a young teenager when the alleged sexual abuse began. Murray was Simpson’s last foster placement, and by the latter’s account he manipulated the runaway boy into performing oral and anal sodomies. "In the professional judgment of this casework ... Jeff Simpson has been se...