Christian mom defends ex-gays, explains why LGBT movement despises them

Elizabeth Johnston, better known as the “ Activist Mommy ,” came to Washington, DC to address what she calls, “one of the most marginalized and censored groups in our culture: The ex- homosexual .” Johnson spoke to a crowd of about 80 mostly former homosexual and transexual millenials who had come to the Nation’s Capital last weekend for the first annual “Freedom March,” the brainchild of Jeffrey McCall, a young man who had once lived as a woman . “I am pro-choice,” announced Johnson, co-opting one of the sacred mantras of the sexual revolution, and turning it on its head. “I believe people who choose to engage in homosexual sin also have the right to choose not to engage in homosexuality. And they have the choice to seek therapy for their unnatural and unwanted desires.” “I am tolerant,” she added. “I want homosexuals to have the freedom to speak their mind and beliefs. And I believe those who believe homosexuality is a sin against ...