What Made Homosexuality ‘Good,’ and Why You Must Understand the Answer

So homosexuality, transgenderism, and gay marriage are all “good” now. Just ask their activists and supporters, they’ll tell you. Want to know how these things became so good all of a sudden, though? Don’t ask them that; they won’t tell you. Here’s what you need to know — and you really do need to know it. Otherwise you’re missing half of what’s going on here. Potentially the more important half. Let’s start with the wrong answer, since it makes the right one easier to explain. What made this new morality good? The wrong answer is, It’s good because it’s good in itself. Something in the very nature of reality itself makes it right and good for persons to live this way. That’s wrong in all kinds of ways, some of them quite obvious to many of us. What’s fascinating, though — and what we absolutely must-see — is that it’s even wrong from most gay activists’ own point of view. Very few of them would be willing to say there’s anything “in the nature of reality itself” th...