
Showing posts with the label Mississippi

California bans travel to states that protect Christians who oppose gay ‘marriage’

The state of California has ordered a travel ban for its government employees to states that have adopted laws to protect religious freedom. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra , a pro-abortion Democrat, has  unilaterally prohibited all state-sanctioned trips  to Alabama , Kentucky, South Dakota , and Texas because those states have passed legislation allowing those who uphold natural marriage and biological gender to live by their sincerely-held beliefs. Becerra’s actions are designed to pressure target states to abandon religious freedom laws protecting Christians who oppose sodomy and/or disagree with gender theory.   The latest four additions bring California’s “No Visiting List” to eight states in the lower 48, or eight percent of the country. Becerra noted his reasons for adding the four states: Alabama enacted a law in May that allows Christian adoption agencies to follow their faith’s moral criteria for placing children in homes. Their ...

Trapped in homosexual sin

As of June 2017, 547,000 same-sex marriages have happened in the U.S. to date.  4.3% of adults in the U.S. identify as LGBT . That translates to around 10.7 million adults overall (taking into account the U.S. Census Bureau calculation that there are 249 million adults in the U.S.). There’s been a surge in same-sex weddings over the last two years. In June 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court incorrectly struck down state-level bans on same-sex marriage by a 5-4 majority as unconstitutional and said those states don’t have the right to refuse to recognize couples who have already gotten married in other states. The arrogance of the Federal court is appalling. Now destruction of marriage where anything goes is rising. Roughly half of cohabiting same-sex couples are now married, up from 38% before same-sex marriage was legalized in all U.S. states , a separate Gallup survey released last year found. Not all want to marry. Either way this shows the fast march away from God's clear pro...

1st Amendment rights to practice religion - crushed by Obama Federal Judge Homosexual ruling

A Obama appointed federal judge on Monday ruled that clerks in Mississippi may not recuse themselves from issuing marriage licenses to immoral homosexual marriage on religious beliefs, despite a bill passed by the state legislature intended to carve out that exception for them. U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves said that the recusals on religious grounds granted by the state's so-called "Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act", or House Bill 1523, violated the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark 2015 ruling legalizing immoral homosexual marriage. But Mississippi's lieutenant governor, Tate Reeves, quickly slammed the ruling in a written statement. "If this opinion by the federal court denies even one Mississippian of their fundamental right to practice their religion, then all Mississippians are denied their 1st Amendment rights,” Reeves said. "I hope the state’s attorneys will quickly appeal this decision to the 5th Circuit ...

Obama salutes transgender ‘mothers’ in annual Mother’s Day proclamation

President Barack Obama saluted transgender “ mothers ” in his annual Mother's Day proclamation, the first-ever explicit reference to biological males acting as mothers in the history of the annual presidential message. Obama wrote the encomium in the first paragraph of his   statement , released on Friday. “Regardless of sexual orientation , gender identity , or marital status, mothers have always moved our Nation forward and remained steadfast in their pursuit of a better and brighter future for their children,” Obama wrote. In   last year's proclamation , Obama hailed all mothers, “[w]hether married or single, LGBT or straight, biological, adoptive, or foster.” However, his usage appeared to highlight the mother's sexual orientation, not their underlying biology. One pro-life leader said that conflating the two binary sexes in such a public way confuses children. “Now the ' transgendered ,' if they have children, can be celebrated twice a year as...

How to lie: Obama in the UK: ‘Some’ people who support bathroom privacy laws are ‘good people’

Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) President Obama denounced laws in North Carolina and Mississippi during a trip to Great Britain, adding that “some” of the people who support those laws are good people. Of course Obama's definition of good is to be questioned.  The UK Foreign Office has issued a travel advisory to LGBT British citizens visiting North Carolina and Mississippi after those states passed new laws - one restricting  restrooms and shower   facilities to   members of the same biological sex   and another respecting religious freedom . During a press conference last Friday with Prime Minister David Cameron, Obama said the two are “beautiful states” full of “wonderful people,” where visitors from Great Britain would be treated with "extraordinary hospitality." However, “the laws that have been passed there are wrong and should be overtur...

‘State-sanctioned prejudice’: federal courts overturn marriage amendments in Mississippi and Arkansas

Two more states have had their voter-approved marriage protection laws overturned by federal judges, this time in Mississippi and Arkansas . In two separate rulings Tuesday, Judges Kristine Baker in Little Rock, Arkansas , and Carlton Reeves in Jackson, Mississippi, ruled that laws defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman violate homosexuals’ rights under the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution .  Both judges are appointees of President Barack Obama . In the Arkansas decision, Baker quoted a previous court ruling in asserting that “times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.” Baker concluded that “by precluding same-sex couples from exercising their fundamental right to marry in Arkansas, by not recognizing valid same-sex...

Homosexuals want to destroy marriage!

BEYOND SAME-SEX MARRIAGE A NEW STRATEGIC VISION FOR ALL OUR FAMILIES & RELATIONSHIPS July 26, 2006 We, the undersigned – lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) and allied activists, scholars, educators, writers, artists, lawyers, journalists, and community organizers – seek to offer friends and colleagues everywhere a new vision for securing governmental and private institutional recognition of diverse kinds of partnerships, households, kinship relationships and families. In so doing, we hope to move beyond the narrow confines of marriage politics as they exist in the United States today. We seek access to a flexible set of economic benefits and options regardless of sexual orientation, race, gender/gender identity, class, or citizenship status. We reflect and honor the diverse ways in which people find and practice love, form relationships, create communities and networks of caring and support, establish households, bring families into being, and build innovative stru...

From immoral marriage equality to divorce equality

 In 2008, Lauren Beth Czekala-Chatham and Dana Ann Melancon traveled from Mississippi to San Francisco for their dream wedding. A few short years later the dream dissolved and now Czekala-Chatham wants Mississippi to grant her a divorce . Small problem. Her home state doesn’t recognize female marriage. No marriage, no divorce. Isn’t it a teensy bit hypocritical to blame the state of Mississippi for not validating a marriage that evenCzekala-Chatham no longer wants? Have gay rights activists overplayed their hand? Will Czekala-Chatham’s wedding buyer’s remorse be followed by American voter remorse as more citizens learn of the disruption caused by same sex marriage laws passed in some states, but not recognized in others? Politico  reports: “Czekala-Chatham, a 51-year-old credit analyst and mother of two teenage sons from an earlier straight marriage, filed for divorce in chancery court in September. She wants to force Mississippi to recognize the same-sex m...