Madlin Sims of Capital Kids Parties illegally fired Madelin because she voted NO to gay marriage

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash says a Canberra small-business owner has violated a fundamental freedom by publicly claiming to have “fired” Madeline (picture above) a Christian teenager because she opposed same-sex marriage . Madlin Sims, owner of Capital Kids Parties, posted on Facebook on Sunday night that she had “fired a staff member” because they “made it public knowledge that they feel it’s okay to vote no” in the same-sex marriage postal survey. “Voting no is homophobic. Advertising your homophobia is hate speech ,” Ms Sims said. “As a business owner I can’t have somebody who publicly represents my business posting hate speech online.” Yesterday federal workplace investigators were seeking to interview the Christian teenager, who wishes to be identified only as “Madeline”. However, the Fair Work Ombudsman may have no jurisdiction if the teenager was engaged as a contractor, as Ms Sims said in subsequent Facebook posts. Employment lawyers suggested ...