Research rejects recent study that claimed anti-gay stigma shortens lives

A major study cited widely by the mainstream media to show that social stigma contributes to the early death of homosexuals has been debunked by a new study that found its results could not be replicated. The study, “Structural stigma and all-cause mortality in sexual minority populations,” published in the journal Social Science & Medicine in 2014, claimed that homosexuals who live in communities with “high levels of anti-gay prejudice” in the United States have a lifespan 12 years shorter on average than those who live in “low-prejudice communities.” The results of the study were touted by numerous mainstream media outlets as proving that opposition to the gay agenda was literally killing homosexuals. To date, the study has been cited 106 times in peer-reviewed journal articles, according to Google Scholar. U.S. News and World Report announced, “Research: Anti-Gay Stigma Shortens Lives.” The Washington Post used the study...