Why government must promote marriage—not its redefinition

Here is my case for normal heterosexual Biblical marriage. First, the government has a vested interest in supporting relationships that propagate the human species in an environment most conducive to health and wellbeing. That environment is the freely chosen, lifelong, loving union of one man and one woman that is open to new life. Children have the right to be conceived, raised, and cared for in the loving union of a husband and wife. Studies and simple observations show having a mother and a father is best for children, and they also show that children raised by same-sex couples suffer emotional damage . Like single parenting, this is something that governments should not promote, and, in fact, actively avoid or prevent. The abusive practice of in vitro fertilization, too common among heterosexual couples and virtually a necessity for same-sex couples who wish to raise non-adopted children, is no answer. IVF treats a child as a commodity , producing children a...