Sinful Homosexual Marriage will unify a nation?

Sally Rugg is an advocate for immoral homosexual marriage . She is a paid worker for the Labor funded organization - GetUp . Sally believes rather incorrectly that homosexual marriage will be a 'unifying moment' in Australia . Note that phrase - Sinful Homosexual Marriage will unify a country. How can the normalization of the sinful broken lifestyle of homosexuality bring a country together? The answer is - It can't! This clearly demonstrates that advocates outside of the LGBT circle do not understand, or maybe don't care what these changes will do to other people. The least of which is bringing a country together as evidence is already very clear from other countries it divides. Gushy feelings have thrown truth out the window. A broken sinful lifestyle or gay marriage doesn't bring equality but sadly brings judgement from God according to Romans 1:28 even when people do not believe in Christ . The Bible clearly speaks of a depraved ...