Homosexual bullies and Government shut down cake shop

The Christian bakers fined and gagged by an Oregon labor tribunal for refusing to make a cake for a same-sex wedding have raised $355,000 on funding website Continue To Give in the last two weeks. They plan to appeal the ruling that helped shut down their storefront bakery. Aaron and Melissa Klein ran a family bakery for several years until 2013, when a lesbian couple, Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer, whom they had served many times, ordered a wedding cake. Aaron declined on religious grounds and swiftly found himself the target of a complaint lodged with the Oregon Bureau of Labor , a torrent of social media abuse, and a boycott. Though the family had hoped to pass on Sweet Cakes by Melissa to their five children, the boycott reduced them to working from their home kitchen and forced Aaron to take a job as a garbage collector. Labor commissioner Brad Avakian fined the Kleins $135,000 and ordered the couple "to cease and desist from publishing, circul...