Interview with Nancy Pearcey: Many Battles Ahead Over LGBT Issues

Author Nancy Pearcey says Americans “dodged a bullet” when a recent state law banning free speech failed. She reveals why people should think deeper about sexuality and identity issues. Last month, California LGBT activists were enraged by a decision from a member of the California Assembly who is also chairman of their legislative LGBT caucus. Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell) pulled controversial bill AB 2943 from consideration, only six months after he introduced it. AB 2943 would have made it illegal for people of any age to receive professional help for unwanted same-sex attractions if the counseling discussed the possibility of change. One media report stated that Low “pulled defeat from the jaws of victory” when he abruptly tabled his proposed law. The measure had passed the California Assembly and Senate, which have strong Democratic majorities. For author Nancy Pearcey, the contentious drama over free speech and sexuality illustrates why people...