San Diego bishop praises pro-gay parish - heretic

The director of the young adult ministry at a parish San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy recently praised for its "welcoming" attitude toward " LGBT worshippers" is an openly gay man who works for an organization that supports same-sex "marriage" and women's ordination. The San Diego Union Tribune reported that McElroy cited St. John the Evangelist in Hillcrest as an example of a parish where "LGBT worshippers 'feel particularly welcome.'" "That’s a very good thing," he said. McElroy was commenting on the Diocese of San Diego's recent synod on the family, after which he encouraged priests to give Holy Communion to the divorced and "remarried" and embrace "LGBT families." St. John the Evangelist advertises on its Twitter page: "In worship and in sacrament, our Catholic parish is called to extend God's kingdom to young and old, gay and straight, single, married or divorced....