Former Australian PM John Howard critical of gay marriage activism

Former prime minister John Howard thinks the attack on Qantas CEO Alan Joyce with a lemon meringue pie as a protest against same sex marriage was appalling but he is sympathetic to the views of the man responsible. Tony Overheu, a 67-year-old Perth man, says he hid behind a stage for two hours before strolling up to Mr Joyce and shoving the pie in his face during a speech in front of more than 500 people at a business breakfast hosted by The West Australian newspaper on Tuesday. He was arrested and charged for expressing an Australia wide view that a CEO who is homosexual should not be using a worldwide brand like QANTAS to further his own personal immoral homosexual agenda onto all Australians, QANTAS staff, employees and shareholders. Alan Joyce should resign. He was protesting against CEOs such as Mr Joyce, who are gay, using their brand to run a campaign to pressure the parliament to drop plans for a plebiscite and introduce gas marriage, which he described as corpo...