Australia: ACL outlines Homosexual marriage zealots

A Senate Select Committee was formed late last year to resurrect the same-sex marriage debate in the Federal Parliament . Many of the same senators who blocked the people’s vote on same-sex marriage - the pathway the Turnbull Government promised to resolving the issue – are now behind yet another Senate inquiry into a draft bill to change the Marriage Act. ACL along with other groups seeking to preserve marriage and freedom were busy over the break writing detailed submissions to the inquiry the committee is running. This latest move by the proponents of change is part of their tactic to cause the Turnbull Government to break its election promise to let the people vote on the future of marriage. Instead, they want the Parliament to tell us what marriage is. I’ve lost count of the number of Senate and House of Representative inquiries into redefining marriage that have been held over the past seven years. I doubt there are any other public po...