Council considers using gender-neutral term Mx

Acouncil debating the use of the gender-neutral title Mx as well as Mr and Mrs has been accused of “taking away choice” by protesters. Oxford city council said forms should include the option after a complaint from a headteacher. But councillors also suggested that honorifics could be phased out completely in the future, if the decision goes ahead. Supporters believe this would help make the local authority as inclusive as possible in a move following the example of government departments, high street banks, universities and the DVLA. The suggestion to use Mx was welcomed by Oxford Pride, but chairman Rob Jordon said he did not support scrapping titles altogether. He said: "This is a progressive step that can only be welcomed. By giving someone the option to use the title they already use every day in official forms and other areas it shows the council is listening to people. There is still work to be done to promote equality and diversity within our workforce Cllr Tom Hayes ...