Are the words gay or homosexual in the Bible?

Various other attempts are designed to justify homosexuality as acceptable with biblical morality. When it is shown that the passages that supposedly condemn homosexuality actually do condemn homosexuality, then the revisionists must find other ways to defend their preferences. The arguments that follow are those that did not fall precisely into our discussion of the various biblical texts that were surveyed. These arguments, as with the others we have considered, are also put forth as “biblical.” These are supposedly based upon the truths of Scripture when taken as a whole. To these we now turn. Objection Stated The words “homosexual” and “homosexuality” are not found in the Bible . This is one of the most common objections raised by those who teach the compatibility of homosexuality and the Bible . This statement has become mantra-like due to its frequency of utterance and is one of the first comments heard from those who argue for the Bible’s acceptance of homosexu...