
Showing posts with the label Luca Di Tolva

‘I Was Gay Once’: The Story of Italian Gay Celebrity Luca Di Tolve

“If I were, to sum up what homosexuality is, I would choose one word to describe it: it is a trap, a condition you find yourself pushed in. I do not see anything natural about it. It is a clockwork mechanism you cannot get rid of.” These are the words of Luca Di Tolve. Di Tolve was a homosexual celebrity and activist in Italy. He rubbed shoulders with Madonna and Gianni Versace twenty years ago. Now he is happily married to a woman and the proud father of a young daughter. He runs a Catholic group to help men and boys recover from homosexual tendencies. The group is aptly called “Lot” after the brother in law of the patriarch Abraham, who was saved by God from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. To say that the change in the life of Di Tolve was supernatural is an understatement. Di Tolve came out of the shadows to tell his story in 2011. His book confession, “I Was Gay Once: In Medjugorje, I Found Myself” has only just been translated into English. You can purchase it  h...