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How today's Homosexuality perverts friendships

Image via Wikipedia Again, I do not intend to speak about the morality of homosexuality because I believe the Bible is absolutely clear on that matter. Instead, today I want to look at one very interesting result, one very interesting development, that has come with the widespread acceptance of homosexuality .  I have thought about this a little bit in the past but had my mind drawn to it again while reading Al Mohler ’s book  Desire and Deceit: The Real Cost of the New Sexual Tolerance .  In this book Mohler compiles some of his best blog posts and articles dealing with a common theme. In this case he writes about contemporary issues related to sexuality. And while there is much to glean from the book, one issue in particular give me a lot to think about. I have sometimes wondered if, when  The Lord of the Rings  was first published, people looked with a certain suspicion upon the relationship of Sam to Frodo and Frodo to Sam. Here are two characters who loved one another