Lesbian marriage mess - when experiments go wrong

A woman asked the Mississippi Supreme Court on Wednesday to award her parental rights to the child her ex-wife had given birth to, arguing that the U.S. Supreme Court had ordered equality for same-sex couples when it authorized same-sex marriage nationwide in 2015. Opposing her was the woman who birthed a now-6-year-old boy when the two were married. The biological mother of the child said that her ex-wife had legal avenues open to her to bolster her parental rights during a divorce proceeding, but failed to pursue them. Now Mississippi ’s nine justices must sort out those positions, in a case that could also affect opposite-sex couples who use someone else’s eggs, sperm or both to conceive a child. Christina “Chris” Strickland, a 44-year-old Pearl resident, wants to be listed as the legal parent of Zayden Strickland, who bears her name, hoping to ultimately gain equal custody. Rankin County Chancery Court Judge John Grant ruled that the unknown sperm donor who fathered Zayden ...