
Showing posts with the label Francis

How the Pope's Homosexual comments got mangled

Pope Francis pulled a surprise on reporters when he walked back to the press section of his Alitalia papal flight from Brazil and entered into an open press conference that lasted more than an hour. The Pope gave the press what Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton offered as presidents—a casual question and answer session that was on the record. The biggest headline from the Pope’s remarks was not what he had to say about the scandals at the Vatican Bank , but what he said about homosexuality and, in particular, homosexuals in the priesthood. The key sentence in the Pope’s remarks is this: “If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge that person?” The papal remarks put the international press into a frenzy. Headlines across the world announced a revolution in Roman Catholic moral teaching, a changed position on homosexuality, or at least an historic “new openness” on the issue of homosexuality. Predictably, a closer look reveals a more complicated and...

Pope Francis Effect: Attitude change but no behaviour change

One year into the era of Pope Francis, a new poll has found that a broad majority of American Catholics say he represents a major change in direction for the church, and a change for the better. But his popularity has not inspired more Americans to attend Mass, go to confession or identify as Catholic — a finding that suggests that so far, the much-vaunted “Francis effect” is influencing attitudes, but not behavior. Francis is more popular among American Catholics than Pope Benedict XVI was in February of last year, when he suddenly resigned, according to the poll, which is to be released Thursday by the Pew Research Center . But Francis has not reached the sky-high ratings that Pope John Paul II commanded at the height of his papacy in the 1990s, when he was credited with helping to bring down the Communist government in his native Poland. Francis, who draws giddy teenagers to his Wednesday audiences and generates Twitter traffic with every public remark, has clearly invigorate...

TIME person of the Year: Pope Francis says NO to immoral homosexual marriage

Francis signals great change while giving the same answers to the uncomfortable questions. On the question of female priests :"We need to work harder to develop a profound theology of the woman." Which means: no. No to abortion, because an individual life begins at conception. No to gay marriage , because the male-female bond is established by God. "The teaching of the church ... is clear," he has said, "and I am a son of the church, but [...] it is not necessary to talk about those issues all the time." Related articles Pope Francis Issues Manifesto About Church's New Direction ( Pope Francis Named Time's Person of the Year, Despite Not Changing the Direction of the Church ( Pope Francis: Unfettered capitalism is a new tyranny and rich should share wealth ( "Super Pope" Puts On A Disguise To Help The Homeless On The Down Low ( Vatican unveils restored catacomb...

Media critisised for portraying liberal direction of Catholic Church following Pope's comment on homosexuality

"If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis told reporters in a informal interview. While that was the most quoted line from the interview, what he said immediately afterward was cited less often: "The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this very well. It says one must not marginalize these persons, they must be integrated into society. The problem isn't this [homosexual] orientation – we must be like brothers and sisters. The problem is something else, the problem is lobbying either for this orientation or a political lobby or a Masonic lobby." Francis was answering a question about the so-called "gay lobby" within the Catholic Church that seeks to change the Church's position on homosexuality. The relevant portion of the Catechism that Francis was referring to states: "The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which i...

Rights talk run amok: the supremacy of the individual

November 10, 2012 ( - Colleen Francis made himself right at home in the locker room at Evergreen College in Olympia, Washington . The forty-five year-old student showered, used the sauna and walked around naked in front of the other people using those facilities. Now if you’re having trouble squaring the name “Colleen” with the male pronoun “himself,” you’re not the only one. Those present in the locker room also had trouble with the combination that the locker room in question was the women’s room and “Colleen” is anatomically a male. Thus when he showers, sits in the sauna, and walks around naked, Francis is exposing himself not only to his fellow students but students from local high schools and families who also use the college’s swimming pool and locker room. Thus, among the females he has exposed himself to are minors, some as young as six. If you’re wondering, “Why doesn’t someone stop Francis,” well, they tried to, and that’s when the story becam...