LGBT intolerant ideology

The intolerant progressives have virtually criminalized Christianity and Judaism while protecting Islam. Even left-wing Jews are now openly anti-Semitic. Progressives have been largely successful in outlawing the scientific notion of gender to embrace the sheer moonbattery of the "fluid gender" crowd. So besieged with the desperate plight of LGBT persons, Millennials actually think they make up 40% of our population when they are only about 4.5%. For an even tinier percentage of people, elementary school bathrooms must be open to anyone and everyone, even men pretending to be women. Education, K-12 and university, is now all about, only about, indoctrination. Dead white males like Shakespeare, Dickens, and Twain are verboten. Anyone who thinks his son or daughter will become educated on any university campus (except Hillsdale and a few others) is sadly misguided. These offspring will return from college spouting all the race, class, gender, and climate change nonsense t...