
Showing posts with the label Keeton

Christian counseling student forced to undergo pro-homosexual ‘sensitivity training’ goes to court

Keeton VNR from ADF Media Relations on Vimeo . News Print Article   |    Email Friend   |   Reprint Permissions Case of counseling student forced to undergo pro-homosexual ‘ sensitivity training ’ goes to court BY  BEN JOHNSON Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:57 EST Comments (11) Tags:  Freedom ,  Homosexuality ,  Jennifer Keeton   . WASHINGTON,  – After losing at a lower court, a counseling student at a public university in Georgia who was threatened with expulsion because she express discomfort with counseling homosexuals, is pleading her case before an Appeals Court this week. A  legal complaint  filed on behalf of Jennifer Keeton accuses Augusta State University of placing Keeton on academic probation after she refused to comply with faculty instructions that she must, in their words, “alter her beliefs” on homosexuality and “gender identity.” The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF)  is representing  he...

Counseling Student Appeals Ruling Expelling Her For Christian Ethical Views

... In 2010, Jennifer Keeton, 24, sued after the college required her to complete a remediation program or face expulsion for her anti-gay beliefs . Her lawsuit states that her views on gays were known to faculty at the university because of her “disagreement in several class discussions and in written assignments with the gay and lesbian ‘lifestyle.’”' ... Keeton has already been rebuffed by the courts. Earlier this year, a U.S. district judge ruled in the university’s favor. In supporting Augusta State in its actions, the judge wrote, “The record suggests, and the testimony at the hearing bolsters, the Plan was imposed because Plaintiff exhibited an inability to counsel in a professionally ethical manner – that is, an inability to resist imposing her moral viewpoint on counselees – in violation of the ACA Code of Ethics.” A classmate testified that Keeton said she would be compelled by her beliefs to tell gay or lesbian counseling clients that their behaviors were morally wr...