Australia: British consulate violates Australian prohibition against immoral homosexual marriage

In front of a cluster of rainbow balloons and with matching white flowers down one lapel each, family and friends clutching champagne, two young men got married in Melbourne. How? Homosexual marriage is illegal, immoral and will remain illegal. What right do the British have imposing former PM Cameron's immoral homosexual marriage onto Australians? The loophole is homosexual marriage is legal in Britain and also recognised here if done on British soil and if one if the couple is British. But why should it be recognized? Why should a foreign law be permitted when our laws prohibit homosexual marriage? The British dishonor their Australian hosts by ignoring Australian law. Couples who marry here are not recognized in Australia. So why do the British violate our laws? Is this the purpose of foreign consulates? The venue choices are the British consulate in Collins Street, or the consul-general's rather a Toorak house, which is where it happened for Freddy Grant a...