The fake gay argument about gay sex, eating pork and cutting beards

The ABC once again on the eve of the voting on the Marriage Act has interviewed a liberal theologian Robyn Whitaker who states that the Bible and God support homosexuality. Whitaker, lectures in biblical studies at Trinity College at the University of Melbourne . WHITAKER FIRST ERROR IS MISUNDERSTANDING SCRIPTURE. Whitaker believed homosexuality was a sin according to the Bible but she now says it is not a sin. What has changed? Has God changed his mind? Whitaker argues that the prohibition against homosexuality it also mixed up with other prohibitions like eating pork both of which the Bible calls a abomination. Because we no longer treat pork as a prohibition, the same should apply to the sin of homosexuality. That is her argument, which most revisionists use. Whitaker says - "Yes, this verse clearly condemns adulterous homosexual sex in calling it an "abomination"...