The faulty homosexual arguement

The LGBTIQ lobby has promoted its case largely through "no difference" arguments : there is no difference between a man and a woman (" gender neutrality "); there's no difference between an opposite-sex couple and a same-sex one because in both cases love is the couple's bond and marriage is just a public recognition of that love; there is no difference between a child having a mother and a father and having two mothers or two fathers , again, because love is all that counts. Without question, love is important for children, but we are learning that other factors, such as complementarity in parenting between a mother and a father, are also important, even possibly because of epigenetic effects - different genes are activated (imprinted) by the different parenting behaviour of a man compared with a woman. All children, including those who will be homosexual, need both a mother and a father. Yet another consideration favouring children's right...