Looks and smells like a Christian Church - but is simply deception

In her sermon on the last Sunday of Black History Month , the Rev. Maria Swearingen preached about her belief that black lives, “queer lives” and immigrant lives matter. There is no doubt that God loves people. But he calls all people to repent and turn from their sin and sin no more. Sin is then defined by scripture and not the cultural elite. And since it also was Transfiguration Sunday , she pointed to the story in the Gospel of Matthew where God declared Jesus “beloved.” That is a term, she said, that can be used for everyone. Swearingen stood in the pulpit for the first time as the lesbian co-pastor of Calvary Baptist Church , her wife and fellow co-pastor, the Rev. Sally Sarratt, smiling over her left shoulder as they began their new joint roles. “Here we find words that Sally and I will say to you so much you might start calling us a couple of broken-record co-pastors: ‘You are God’s child, the beloved, and...