Homosexual Marriage each partner should have as many sexual partner as they wish - Ricky Martin

Singer Ricky Martin says he wants to “normalize” homosexual relationships to the point that each partner has sex with as many others as he or she wishes. This statement again clarifies that homosexual marriage is not marriage but fake pretend marriage - whereas there is a form of a promise but not really! Homosexual marriage is only for normalizing homosexuality into the community while beneath that lie - they continue their immoral promiscuous lust filled sexual sin. Asked about the “open” gay couple D’Amico and Versace , Martin responded personally. “I want to normalize relationships like this,” Martin said. After Versace’s killing, D’Amico proudly proclaimed, “My relationship was very open and free with Gianni.” D’Amico infamously admitted they bought escorts and brought men for “visits.” Nevertheless, the Puerto Rican singer had nothing but high praise for the D’Amico/Versace relationship, in which D’Amico was subservient and Versace wa...