
Showing posts with the label Mariano Rajoy

Spain’s highest court: homosexual ‘marriage’ is constitutional

November 8, 2012 ( ) - Spain ’s highest court, the Constitutional Tribunal , has ruled that homosexual “marriage” is not prohibited by the Constitution, Spanish news agencies are reporting. The decision comes in response to a lawsuit initiated in 2005 by the then-opposition People’s Party (PP) , which now controls the government, against a law establishing homosexual “marriage” passed by the then-ruling Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party and its allies.  The law also permits “married” homosexual couples to adopt children. The basis of the suit was Article 32 of the Spanish Constitution , which states that “men and women have the right to contract matrimony with full juridical equality,” implying that marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman. The ruling establishes Spain as one of the only two historically Catholic countries in Europe - Portugal is the other - to treat homosexual unions as “marriages” and to permit such couples to adopt childre...

Conservatives sweep into power in Spain: will culture of death be rolled back?

Spain ’s conservative People’s Party (PP) swept into power Sunday following years of anti-life and anti-family legislation, and in the midst of a mounting economic crisis that has left over twenty percent of the population without work. The People’s Party won all but seven of Spain’s 50 provinces and achieved an absolute majority of 186 seats in the Congress of Deputies , ten more than was necessary.  The former ruling Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party (PSOE) won a mere 110 seats, with the rest allocated to smaller, mostly regional and ethnic parties. Mariano Rajoy , the leader of the People's Party. The absolute majority enjoyed by the PP will allow it to establish rules and pass legislation without the consent of the other parties. Under the leadership of Mariano Rajoy, the PP is expected to institute reforms to tackle Spain’s immense economic problems. However, the fate of the right to life and family issues remain in question. Although the PP functions as Spain’s “right wing”...