
Showing posts with the label El Paso

El Paso priest: failing to oppose homosexual agenda ‘a grave sin of omission’

EL PASO, TX , Fr. Michael Rodriguez, the Texas priest who was transferred out of his El Paso parish after publishing opinion pieces condemning the homosexual lifestyle, discussed the controversy surrounding his situation in an interview with  The Remnant  last week. Image via Wikipedia Rodriguez’s essays, published as paid ads in the El Paso Times, explained the Church’s teaching on homosexuality and urged Catholics to support a local effort to oust El Paso politicians who he said had supported “public recognition and legitimization of homosexual unions.” The diocese of El Paso announced shortly after the ads were published that the priest would be transferred from his current assignment at San Juan Bautista parish, citing IRS regulations that forbid intervention in the political process by religious organizations. Fr. Michael Rodriguez The priest was reassigned to Santa Teresa Catholic Church in Presidio, Texas , which he said in last week’s interview is located “out in...

Another priest removed for explaining church teaching on homosexuality, now in Texas

Just after news broke that a priest in Canada had been suspended from active ministry  for speaking out against abortion and homosexual behavior, news has also broken that a Texas priest who stirred controversy last month by  Image via Wikipedia publishing essays that condemned the homosexual lifestyle is being removed from his parish,  ABC-7 reports . However, unlike the situation in Canada, where the priest was removed from active ministry altogether, the Texas priest is being transferred to another parish. Rev. Michael Rodriguez Rev. Michael Rodriguez published four opinion pieces in the El Paso Times last month explaining the Church’s teaching on homosexuality, and exhorting Catholics to oppose efforts to legalize same-sex unions. The Times has revealed that the essays, which were run as paid advertisements, were funded by a couple from Plano, Texas . The advertisements were run in the midst of controversy over a local recall petition aimed at removing three El Pas...