Pope Francis same-sex ‘marriage’ in exhortation

Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia is a sprawling document that seeks to address the wide variety of challenges facing the family today – from widespread divorce, pornography, artificial reproductive technologies, gender theory , cohabitation, internal family strife, and much more. Much of the debate over the document will likely focus on Pope Francis’ treatment of the question of whether the Church can admit divorced and remarried Catholics to the sacraments. The furor over the so-called 'Kasper proposal' to loosen the Church's restrictions had dominated the headlines and discussions during last year's Synod on the Family . In today's exhortation, the pope stakes out a markedly more liberal position on the issue than his precedessors. (Read about that here .) However, on numerous other hot-button issues, the Pope upholds the traditional teaching, including on abortion, euthanasia, gender theory, gay ‘marria...