Southern Baptists threaten to cut ties with D.C. Baptists over ‘married’ lesbian pastors

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has threatened to cut ties with the D.C. Baptist Convention (DCBC) if it doesn't “secure removal” of a church pastored by "married" lesbians in 90 days. The SBC's Executive Committee voted during Feb. 19-20 meetings in Nashville, Tenn to require the DCBC to officially break "fellowship" with Calvary Baptist Church , which last year hired two "married" lesbians, Sally Sarratt and Maria Swearingen, as co-pastors. The D.C. church's vote to hire the lesbians was unanimous. Explicit wording from the committee left no misunderstanding of the reason: The DCBC must “secure...the removal of any churches from its fellowship that have demonstrated a faith or practice affirming, approving or endorsing homosexual behavior .” The only other alternative the SBC offered was to lead Calvary Baptist Church to "repentance" for giving approval to homosexuality through the hire. Since the 1990s, ...