Revealing disturbing LGBT propaganda in New Zealand’s new sex ed directive

N ew Relationships and Sexuality Education Guidelines which push the gender diversity and inclusivity narrative have been published by the Ministry of Education. The guidelines are intended for teachers, leaders, and Boards of Trustees of all State and State-Integrated schools. There are two guides, one for years 1–8 and another for years 9–13 . Both guides are titled Relationships and Sexuality Education. Content in each document is generally the same, with some issues, such as pornography, and sexting, being fleshed out further in the secondary school resource. According to the preamble on the Ministry of Education site, the guidelines “make explicit the key learning at each curriculum level.” The Ministry claims to have integrated “the latest research on relationships, gender, sexuality, and wellbeing.” The documents are a revision on the 2015 resource “Sexuality Education: A guide for principals, boards of trustees, and teachers” . They have been developed in resp...