Australia: PM Turnbull fails conservatives by supporting homosexual marriage

Pride Marches? Shame Marches of sin - no wonder a girl covers her face but politician don't? The former PM's Tony Abbott who does not support homosexual marriage but was present at the launch of the Federal Liberal campaign. As a result, Turnbull's speech seemed to be awkward and badly paced, and he chose not to raise the main issue that is dividing his party and the nation - immoral homosexual marriage. At no time did Turnbull mention the consequent battle between the two men that will tear any future Coalition Government apart – the legalisation of immoral homosexual marriage. Many coalition members have stated they will not support the outcome of a plebiscite if the Australian community votes in favour of immoral homosexual marriage. The difficulty is that many conservative voters are abandoning Turnbull's because of his support for immoral homosexual marriage. In addition, if the policy does succeed, the fight is not over, as members of the public, Churches,...