Transgender activists have become hysterical totalitarians.

Earlier this week, in their July/August issue, The Atlantic made what appears to be a very serious mistake: They published a long-form article by Jesse Singal titled “When Children Say They’re Trans.” The prestigious liberal publication—which dutifully fired columnist Kevin D. Williamson when the social media mobs came for him for off-hand comments on a podcast about abortion—is now on the receiving end of raw hatred and vitriol from trans activists that shows you everything you need to know about the tolerance of the transgender movement—and how they plan to respond to dissent in a society they seek to transform by the acceptance of their gender ideologies. Jesse Singal, it seems, committed a few unpardonable sins in the course of conducting interviews and writing his essay. First of all, he talked to a teenage girl who thought she was trans but later realized that she was not —and was relieved that her parents had delayed getting her the double-mastectomy and hormone treatments s...