More Catholics support gay ‘marriage’ than ever before. But it is not what you think!

Two years after the U.S. Supreme Court approved “same-sex marriage,” two out of three Catholics — a whopping 67 percent — told Pew Poll Surveyors that they now support “gay marriage.” The stunning statistic is nearly identical to mainline Protestant support (68 percent), and is way above black Protestant (44 percent) and white Evangelicals (35 percent) support. The only religious group that exceeds Catholic and mainline Protestant support is the catch-all religiously unaffiliated (85 percent). That’s right: Only the non-church-going support ‘gay marriage’ at a higher rate than Catholics. And nearly twice as many Catholics support same-sex marriage as Evangelicals. What is up with Catholics? White flags, not rainbow flags The vast majority of Catholics who support same-sex “marriage” are not gung-ho activists. The opposite is true: They tend toward passivity, seeking to avoid confrontation within their families, neighborhoods, workplaces and schools....