Contractor dismissed due to views on same sex marriage

In the context of the current postal survey on changing the law of marriage in Australia , press reports in the last few days indicate that a contractor who had been working for an ACT-based children’s entertainment business has lost her position solely due to her indication of support for a “No” vote in the current postal survey on the issue being conducted in Australia . (See here for a detailed report on the incident quoting both sides.) It seems worth commenting on the legal implications of the decision to terminate the contractor, especially in light of the “Safeguards” legislation that was recently passed by the Federal Parliament , and on which I recently posted . It seems arguable (based on what has been reported in the press) that the business owner here has breached a number of laws. Whether or not the dismissed contractor, Madeline, will take legal action, it is worth noting this, in case others decide to take a similar approach...