Traditional marriage, Christianity and cowardice on the college campus

There appears to be a new trend in academia — invite a guest, bestow an honor and then publicly renege on the honor at the first whiff of controversy. The consequence of this approach is usually public humiliation for the honoree and an even-greater media kerfuffle than caused by announcing the award in the first place. For higher education institutions that pride themselves on “free thought,” it sure increasingly seems that "thought" can be bought by the highest-bidding alumnus who calls to complain. Indeed, the latest instance of higher education’s troubling moral equivocation took place in a rather unexpected locale — the Princeton Theological Seminary. After announcing that the Rev. Timothy Keller would receive the Kuyper Prize for Excellence in Reformed Theology and Public Witness, one of the school's most prestigious lectureships, the seminary received blowback because of Keller’s traditional views on marriage and female ordination. This week, the seminary...