Ivanka Trump’s ‘pride’ tweets upset LGBT activists and people of faith

First daughter and presidential adviser Ivanka Trump went out of her way to celebrate June as “LGBT Pride Month” on Twitter , but many homosexual and transgender activists were having none of it. Neither was at least one fellow Orthodox Jew , who said it was “massively offensive” for Ivanka — as a professed follower of Orthodox Judaism — to “honor” homosexual “pride” in the same tweet mentioning Shavuot (Shavu’ot), the Jewish holiday Feast of Weeks celebrating God’s gift of the Torah to his people. The Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament, is the basis for much of Judeo-Christian and Western law and moral tradition, which includes a proscription of homosexual acts as sinful. Ivanka Trump, like her husband Jared Kushner (also a Trump adviser), curiously embraces both Orthodox Judaism and the homosexual agenda, including same-sex “marriage.” On June 1, Ivanka tweeted , “Logging back on after Shavuot, wishing everyone a joyful...