
Showing posts with the label Keith Porteous Wood

Homosexual marriage agenda targets Christian freedom

Three British Christians who argued that their beliefs saw them wrongly disciplined by their employers for actions such as refusing to counsel same-sex couples have lost their legal battle at the European court of human rights . Shirley Chaplin, Gary McFarlane and Lillian Ladele   had their appeals to the Strasbourg court rejected in January  as part of the same ruling as that in which Nadia Eweida , a British Airways check-in attendant, won her fight against being banned from wearing a cross at work. The three sought to resolve the matter in the court's grand chamber, its final arbiter. However,  judges at the court have rejected the request , in effect ending the legal battle. The success for Eweida, who was awarded €2,000 (£1,600) in compensation after a seven-year struggle with the airline – a decision welcomed by David Cameron among others – partly overshadowed the contrasting judgment in the cases of Chaplin, McFarlane and Ladele. Chaplin, 57, a geriatri...