North Carolina Lt. Gov.: Biology has everything to do with bathrooms

“A person’s biology has everything to do with which bathroom they use,” North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest said Friday morning at Values Voter Summit.
Forest noted that North Carolina’s contentious bathroom law preventing men from having unfettered access to women’s restrooms and vice versa was passed in response to an “unconstitutional” Charlotte ordinance.
“The person that pushed the Charlotte city ordinance … was a registered sex offender,” Forest said. The ordinance would have allowed a “free-for-all,” he said, and it was “telling all private businesses what to do.”
“This is not purely an ideological battle. … This is a political battle as well” that is led by progressives who are upset at conservative victories in the battleground state, Forest said.
He said people should not be forced to accept practices previously reserved for subcultures, “but no one should out-love Christians,” who can offer “hope and redemption to all” through their religion’s teachings.

“Never fail to be courageous,” he exhorted the crowd.

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