This is How the Homosexual Activists “Debate” – And This is How Democracy Dies
What debate? What democracy?
When Mark Steyn was last in Australia I of course paid close attention to what he had to say and took copious notes. One thing I recorded that especially stood out was this thought: “The Left does not want to win the debate, it wants to shut down the debate.”
That is as accurate as you can get. And I know this from firsthand experience. I have been to numerous public meetings on topics such as marriage and family either as a speaker or a listener which the radical leftists and the homosexual activists sought to shut down, disrupt, and/or turn into mayhem.
I have more than once even had to run the gauntlet, and be personally escorted into a venue by a line of police who had to keep the raging and hate-filled militants away from us. I have personally experienced being jostled and shoved by the angry activists, had things thrown at me, and abused me with all manner of foul and despicable language – all because I dared to think differently than what their agenda allows.

-The group that shouts the most about tolerance is the least tolerant.
-The group that shouts the most about love is the least loving.
-The group that shouts the most about acceptance is the least accepting.
-The group that shouts the most about diversity is the least diverse.
-The group that shouts the most about inclusion is the least inclusive.
-The group that shouts the most about bigotry is the most bigoted.
-The group that shouts the most about hate is the most hateful.
-The group that shouts the most about love is the least loving.
-The group that shouts the most about acceptance is the least accepting.
-The group that shouts the most about diversity is the least diverse.
-The group that shouts the most about inclusion is the least inclusive.
-The group that shouts the most about bigotry is the most bigoted.
-The group that shouts the most about hate is the most hateful.
Consider just the most recent appalling example of this. A meeting I and some others have been invited to to discuss marriage and family has had to be cancelled and relocated. Why? Because the tolerance brigade again has shown its true colours. Here is how one news report has covered this:
A ferocious campaign against Christian groups planning to meet on same-sex marriage has forced them to cancel the event at a major hotel next week, amid claims of physical threats from marriage-equality advocates.
The Accor Hotels group confirmed late yesterday that the function had been abandoned after a social media storm triggered phone calls that “rattled” employees and left the company concerned about the safety of staff and guests.
In the first test of the “civil” debate promised for a plebiscite on gay marriage, advocates for the “yes” case were being blamed last night for the kind of “hate speech” that Bill Shorten and others have claimed would come from the “no” case.
A spokeswoman for the Mercure Sydney Airport Hotel said the campaign by marriage-equality advocates had forced the company to close the hotel’s Facebook page, sparked phone calls that disturbed hotel staff and escalated the problem to the company’s headquarters. “We’ve conducted an objective review regarding the safety and security of our hotel guests and staff,” she said. “Following this review the event will no longer take place next week.”
The four Christian groups booked the hotel conference room for Tuesday to prepare for a “no” campaign in the potential plebiscite, even though Labor and the Greens appear certain to block the “people’s vote” legislation in the Senate. About 100 people were expected to attend from the Sydney Anglicans, Sydney Catholics, the Marriage Alliance and the Australian Christian Lobby.
Gay news website alerted readers to the event. Activist Pauline Pantsdown urged followers to stop the “dangerous, predatory” ACL. “Are children safe at Mercure and Accor hotels?” one post said. One follower declared it “utterly horrifying” that Accor would host the Christian groups while another accused the hotel of supporting the “hateful, deceitful and extreme” ACL.
Sadly the hotel chain caved in to the nasty threats of the activists. That of course will simply embolden the militants to keep this up in the future. They know that if they simply make their ugly, militant threats loud enough they can close down debate whenever and wherever it seeks to take place. That my friends is how democracies perish. That is how we crush freedom. That is how the police state emerges.
Before the back down by the hotel it was bombarded by the militants with nasty anti-democracy attacks. Activist Pauline Pantsdown put it this way: “It’s time to call out the ACL for the dangerous fringe group that they are. Racist groups don’t get to hold events in reputable hotels, and neither should the ACL.”
And after the cancelation the homosexual militants were ecstatic knowing they had once again managed to trash democracy and trample on freedom of speech. Trans activist Stephanie McCarthy gloated: “Perhaps the ACL could relocate to the Sydney Airport departure lounge where they can fly off to Texas where they belong.”
Feel the lurve. On the other side, a few comments from those greatly concerned about marriage, children and society are worth offering here: Columnist Miranda Devine said, “Vicious, violent and intolerant. Proof, if you needed it, that the bigotry comes from same sex marriage activists.”
And ACL boss Lyle Shelton stated, “If this is what happens to Australians who support marriage now, what will it be like if the law ever does change?” Yes quite right. We see the jackboots of rainbow tyranny clearly on display all the time here in Australia, and sham homosexual marriage has not even been legalised yet.
Just imagine how bad things will get when it does. But we don’t have to imagine – we already know perfectly well how bad things can get. In my 2014 book Dangerous Relations I documented around 170 cases of people losing their jobs, being fined, and even jailed for daring to disagree with the homosexual agenda and their attempt to destroy marriage by redefining it.
If the activists can smash democracy and stifle freedom of assembly and freedom of speech so easily now, you had better be prepared for the real oppression of Big Brother coercive utopianism when it comes following any change to the Marriage Act.
You have been warned.