U.S., Canadian, other ambassadors to Slovakia push to support gay pride parade
Twenty prominent ambassadors to Slovakia, including the Canadian, U.S., and many European Union state ambassadors, notably Polish and Hungarian, signed a public endorsement of a homosexual pride parade that took place this week.
The Duhovy or “Rainbow” Pride parade took place on June 4 in Bratislava, Slovakia. Participants demanded legalized same-sex “marriage” and the right to adopt children.
Despite the fact that many of the states the ambassadors represent do not support the goals and aims of the demonstration, the 20 ambassadors said they “stand both literally and figuratively with parade participants as they peacefully assemble to stand up for their human rights, and raise awareness of the LGBT community in Slovakia.”
In response, a group of 22 Slovak intellectuals, writers, and former politicians, including former Prime Minister of Slovakia, Jan Carnogursky, former Interior Minister, Vladimir Palko, and former Slovak Ambassador to Canada, Anton Hykisch, expressed their disappointment with the ambassadors’ stance.
In their June 8 letter, the group demanded that the foreign ambassadors not “import” the homosexual “ideologies that assumed the right to have universal legitimacy and called themselves progressive.”
As with all European Union states, Slovakia has adopted protocols on anti-discrimination, including discrimination based on “sexual orientation.”
However, the Slovak professionals said that any efforts to go further than that threaten to undermine the family.
“We believe that it is important to distinguish between dignity of every individual human being on one side and radical proposals to change traditional family and its protection as defined by law, on the other side,” they wrote in their letter, which was sent to each ambassador.
“The radical demands of the organizers of ‘Rainbow-March’ are far beyond legislation in most of the countries you represent,” they emphasized. “We consider your support for these demands to be surprising and regrettable. With your supportive declaration you intervened into our own domestic political debate and exceeded your diplomatic mission.”