Homosexual non-biblical agenda
The following websites do not all reflect the views of this blog. The Bible is clear on the sin of homosexuality and readers need to be clearly aware of the gay agenda.
We pray that God will reveal his grace and mercy on those who call upon his name. No violence just prayer. No hate but prayer.
I’m coming out as a “homosceptic” - Mercator
Dictionaries need a new word to describe disagreement with some of the key precepts of the gay lobby. The Urban dictionary defines a “homosceptic” as “a member of society who does not hate homosexuals, but generally does not agree with the principle of homosexuality in moral and ethical terms”.
I’m coming out as a “homosceptic” - Mercator
Dictionaries need a new word to describe disagreement with some of the key precepts of the gay lobby. The Urban dictionary defines a “homosceptic” as “a member of society who does not hate homosexuals, but generally does not agree with the principle of homosexuality in moral and ethical terms”.
The Left’s Dirty Little Secret By Robin of Berkeley
The article exposed an unseemly aspect of the 60’s, one that isn’t touted in the flattering history books. The dirty little secret was the widespread sexual abuse of children. They camouflage abuse with lofty concepts, such as “diversity ” and “social justice.” The left has morphed into many different life forms since its roots in Marx.
The article exposed an unseemly aspect of the 60’s, one that isn’t touted in the flattering history books. The dirty little secret was the widespread sexual abuse of children. They camouflage abuse with lofty concepts, such as “diversity ” and “social justice.” The left has morphed into many different life forms since its roots in Marx.
...the leftists have wormed their way into every aspect of society.
while kids can turn off the boob tube, there’s nothing that they or their parents can do when the public schools turn into instruments of corruption. Exhibit A: “sex education.” Those in charge of the sexualization of children are our postmodern Frankensteins; they have engineered mad plans to steal the bodies and souls of our children.
Gay Youth Pride Day in Boston—a day of adult-led depravity with vulnerable kids - Mass Resistance
Cross-dressing and transgenderism a major push this year
If you think that the escalation of homosexuality in the US military is bad, wait till you see what the homosexual movement is doing with public school children. And make no mistake: What’s happening here will soon be across the country.
Jennifer Roback Morse, president of the traditional marriage advocacy group The Ruth Institute, says the ramifications of tactics like HRC’s are enormous, with homosexual activists essentially saying they expect businesses to police the political beliefs and political activities of their employees and volunteers or face severe retribution.
But “gay marriage” has been defeated in every state where it has appeared on the ballot. This would seem to indicate a serious disconnect between the actual power of homosexual groups and their perceived power in the business community.
Americans Believe There Are More Homosexuals in the U.S. Than There Are Catholics - Joe Carter
Let’s take a survey: Are Americans (a) really bad at estimating, (b) really gullible, (c) both really gullible and really bad at estimating? After seeing the results of this Gallup survey, I think the answer is obvious. Why do Americans think there are so many gays in the U.S.? Maybe they are basing their estimations on what they see on television.
Let’s take a survey: Are Americans (a) really bad at estimating, (b) really gullible, (c) both really gullible and really bad at estimating? After seeing the results of this Gallup survey, I think the answer is obvious. Why do Americans think there are so many gays in the U.S.? Maybe they are basing their estimations on what they see on television.
The Disturbing (and Disturbed) “T” in LGBT - Matthew J. Franck, First Things
HHS Official Tells Youth Summit: We’re Recruiting LGBTs to Adopt Kids - CNS News
HHS Official Tells Youth Summit: We’re Recruiting LGBTs to Adopt Kids - CNS News
David Hansell, who runs the federal government’s Administration for Children and Families, told a group of high school students at the U.S. Department of Education’s “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT)” youth summit on
Jennings’ new job: Running a 21st-century Saul Alinksy-type community organizing operation based in Massachusetts - CNS
The GLBT agenda expanding on grassroots level?
The GLBT agenda expanding on grassroots level?
New York Orthodox rabbis fighting hard for traditional marriage - Mass Resistance
“Torah Jews for Decency” lobbying, organizing to stop “gay marriage” bill now in New York State Senate.
“Torah Jews for Decency” lobbying, organizing to stop “gay marriage” bill now in New York State Senate.
The Gay Marriage Latino Divide; Told Through the Family of a NY Politician - Fox News
If it were up to State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, New York would never allow for same sex marriage. Ever.
If it were up to State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, New York would never allow for same sex marriage. Ever.
Study Finds Children Raised in Lesbian Familes More Likely to Identify as “Partly Homosexual” - Joe Carter, First Things
Gay Marriage Supported by U.S. Majority for First Time - Christian Post
Gay Marriage Supported by U.S. Majority for First Time - Christian Post
More than half of Americans say marriage for gays and lesbians should be legal, Gallup reported. This is the first time a majority of Americans indicated support for same-sex marriage.
Berlin’s Homosexual Mayor Wants to Lecture Pope Benedict on “Morality”
Berlin’s Homosexual Mayor Wants to Lecture Pope Benedict on “Morality”
Gay Filipinos are holding a Flores de Mayo (Flowers of May) – a traditional Catholic festival during the month of May – on Sunday to honor the Virgin Mary as well as to call attention to rights abuses against their community. Members of the ProGay Philippines said they will push for the passage of the Anti-Discrimination Act of 2010 or House Bill 1483 during a parade they call “FlorEZ de Mayo.”