A June surprise: Is President Obama about to endorse gay ‘marriage’?
Is President Obama about to endorse same-sex marriage? The possibility was the subject of open speculation on the front page of Sunday’s edition of The New York Times.
Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg quoted an unnamed Democratic strategist close to the White House, who said that the President’s advisers are considering the political costs, if any, of such an action.
When President Obama ran for office in 2008, he stated that he was opposed to same-sex marriage, but he ran as an ardent supporter of the homosexual community.
This week, he will host a $1,230-a-plate “Gala for the Gay Community” in New York City.
Stolberg also reports that the President will host a gay pride reception at the White House on June 29. The issue of same-sex marriage will inevitably be discussed, especially given the fact that the New York legislature may be poised to legalize same-sex marriage as early as this week.
Interestingly, Stolberg cites the fact that, even as candidate Obama ran as one opposed to same-sex marriage, “he may have been for same-sex marriage before he was against it.”
She writes: “In 1996, as a candidate for the State Senate in Illinois, Mr. Obama responded to a questionnaire from a gay newspaper. ‘I favor legalizing same-sex marriages,’ Mr. Obama wrote, ‘and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages.’”
President Obama has already called and worked for the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and has instructed his Attorney General not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court. Same-sex marriage seems like the logical next step, given the President’s record.
Nevertheless, an open endorsement of same-sex marriage by an incumbent President of the United States would be a very significant and troubling development.
If he were to do so, President Obama would not only repudiate his former position(s), he would push this nation toward the unraveling of civilization’s most central institution — marriage.
The unnamed Democratic strategist said that President Obama “is clearly a president who is interested in making big historical changes . . . I think this issue has moved into that context for him.”
The realm of politics is as corrupted by sin as is any other dimension of creation and human culture.
Here is a prime example of that fact. With this article, the White House is moving forward in gauging the political costs of such a move.
The very fact that this article appeared in a Sunday edition of The New York Times indicates that the White House is well down the road of endorsing same-sex marriage.
If this strategist is right, President Obama sees himself as the leader who can make “big historical changes.” Well, this one is big, indeed.
Such a move would represent nothing less than a moral revolution. Furthermore, the one who makes such a move would be nothing less than a moral revolutionary. But the scriptures have not changed.